Simple Character Development Sheet

  This post is for helping you get to know and become your character, whether for writing or for acting.  Even if it's a side character that only says a few lines, or doesn't say anything at all, or a main character.  No matter who your character is, big or small, it's important to fully know them so you can fit their personalties and characteristics.  

 When developing a character for writing and acting, some might think it would be different, but it can actually be a somewhat easy process, as long as you know how to do it and are familiar or have done it once before.  

Your character's name:


Where is your character from/where do they live:


When/where does the show/story take place:


How old is your character:


What are your character's hobbies:


What is your character's skill:


Who is your character's best friend:


Does your character have any siblings/how many: 


What is your character's personality(s):


What is your character's favorite food:


What is your character's favorite color: 


What makes your character happy: 


What is your character afraid of: 


What does your character believe in: 


What mannerism(s) does your character have:


Does your character have a catchphrase or sentence/word they say a lot: 


Is your character someone you'd be friends with: 


Do you and your character have anything in common: 


Does your character have any internal conflicts.  If so, what:


Does your character have any external conflicts, and if so, what: 


C. H 🖤


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